Sunday 13 September 2020

How a payment gateway keeps information secure?


A payment gateway guarantees the security of the data you put in. Here is a rundown of things that a Payment Gateway does to protect your information:

First things first, the entire transaction is carried out through an HTTPS web address. This is not the same as the HTTP as the S in the HTTPS represents Secure. The transaction happens through this equivalent passage.

Because of the hash function, the system often uses a signed request from the merchant to validate the request of the transaction. This signed request is a secret word, which only the merchant and the payment gateway know

To secure the payment page result of the process, the IP of the requesting server is verified to detect any malicious activity

Virtual Payer Authentication (VPA) is something that the acquirers, issuers and the payment gateways are backing to secure the process even more. VPA, implemented under the 3-D secure protocol, adds an additional layer of security and helps the online buyers and sellers to authenticate each other easily

Benefits of using a payment gateway

Utilizing a payment gateway is not just for transferring money, but it has other advantages as well. A Payment Gateway can allow a merchant to give the user get a better experience.

PCI-DSS Wallet – The PCI-DSS compliance makes it sufficiently secure to permit the client to store their own information in the portal or gateway for recurring payments. For example, if you are a frequent customer of a shopping site, then you can save your bank or card details on their site or app, and the gateway will keep it secure from any cybersecurity threat

White-Label Wallet – Some payment gateways allow you to make digital transactions through mobile wallet apps. This is the current trend, as it enables the user to make all his transactions by just sitting at one place. You can bring in your money from the account balance to the mobile wallet app and then further use it to make payments on other apps or websites

Fraud Screening Tools – Many payment gateways provide you with fraud screening tools to reduce the risk of losing information. These tools include the Card Code Value (CCV), Card Verification Value (CVV) or even the Address Verification Service (AVS). These tools ensure that there is no fraudulent transaction

A payment gateway focuses on creating a secure pathway between a customer and the merchant to facilitate payments securely. It involves the authentication of both parties from the banks involved.

The most significant advantage of a payment gateway is the fact that it allows millions of users to use it at the same time, making it possible for you to purchase or sell goods and services whenever you want.

Empower your business with Foloosi Payment Gateway!

With the simplest integration, completely online onboarding, feature filled checkout and classy performance; quickly go live with Foloosi (UAE online payment solution) and experience the future of payments.

Know More:

Wednesday 15 July 2020

How Startups Can Accept Online Payments in UAE?

Beginning an online business has never been as worthwhile as it is today. The quantity of new businesses in the digital space has developed significantly over the recent years. Some may state it's a prevailing fashion, yet we have faith in the pioneering soul of UAE. It's an incredible chance to begin an online business, particularly since UAE is grasping digital payments to an ever increasing extent.

Startup business visionaries for the most part center around different business angles like structure an alluring and useful site, guaranteeing the gracefully chain is solid, and that's just the beginning. Be that as it may, aside from these, online organizations ought to likewise concentrate on the most ideal approach to gather payments.

Online digital payments can be acknowledged by organizations through numerous ways, each with its own arrangement of favorable circumstances and difficulties. The key channels are:
1) Integrating with a bank’s payment gateway – A payment gateway provided directly from a bank (also called a second party payment gateway) allows online businesses to process payments via debit cards, credit cards and net banking and is supported through platforms such as Visa, Mastercard, among others.

From the cost angle, organizations should pay an underlying arrangement charge and exchange expenses or TDR (Transaction Discount Rate), which is a level of the exchange an incentive for all exchanges prepared through the passage.

While the whole system looks straightforward in principle, integrating with a bank’s payment gateway is often challenging and tedious for startups.

2. Integrating with a third-party payment gateway –
A simple and effective approach to process online payments is through an outsider payment door. Such payment portals additionally gather TDR on exchanges while arrangement expenses might possibly be relevant, contingent upon the solution provider

Similar to banks, these gateways also facilitate payments made through debit cards, credit cards and netbanking. In addition to this, many solution providers, like Foloosi, also allow merchants to process digital payments through multiple channels like prepaid digital wallets and recently, and several digital wallets. This way, online businesses have the agility to accept payments through practically every online digital mode.

While by all accounts, third-party payment gateways appear to be like bank payment portals, they are in truth unmistakably more easy to understand, open and simple to coordinate, particularly for first time new businesses.

Accepting payments beyond a payment gateway
Setting up an payment gateway works for online organizations that have a site or an application. In any case, imagine a scenario in which you don't. Does that mean you won't have the option to acknowledge digital payments? Nothing could be farther from reality.
Foloosi offers solutions for businesses to accept payments even without a website or an app. Here’s how.

Get paid instantly with Payment Links
If you don’t have a website or an app, you can easily create a Payment Link from your Foloosi Dashboard and send it to your customers via email, SMS, messengers, chatbot, etc.

Indeed, even with a Payment Link, your client can look over a plenty of choices to finish the payment. Foloosi Payment Links can be utilized by organizations without a site, just as organizations with a site that require another payment strategy. It is a keen method to gather payment, which accompanies highlights like mass transfer and incomplete payments.

Free sign-up:

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Online store in UAE – Foloosi

How online fraud affects online traders?

To all the more likely comprehend the loss of business and development open doors for online organizations because of fake transactions; we should accept two distinct situations. These situations outline how precisely the trader's business would be placed in danger because of an absence of strong anti-fraud protections:


In the event that a client accepts that their card has been utilized for a false transaction on a site, they can raise a caution and banner this to their bank. On the off chance that the bank concurs with the client that the exchange is in certainty fake, the client would get their cash back—and the effect of the discount in such a situation would be borne by the vendor. Furthermore, while the dealer would have conveyed the products to somebody, a deceitful miscreant for this situation, they would in any case not get any payment for the goods.


In situations where a merchant’s anti-fraud mechanism isn't sufficiently modern, certifiable exchanges are in danger of being declined. Along these lines, clients that are really keen on the items being sold by the shippers can't make a buy, enduring simultaneously a terrible client experience. Such a situation could be increasingly troubling over the long haul, not just making lost business the shippers, yet in addition influencing their general reputation and generosity in the market. Clients, presently over-burden with decision, are very unforgiving and would not come back to a stage on the off chance that they have just endured an awful encounter.

In any case, everything isn't lost for independent companies. Web based business empowering agents and payment gateways have the issue of online cheats legitimately in their sights. They think of the correct apparatuses and procedures to avert online fakes and help private ventures thrive on the web. By being cautious, and by picking the right partners, online organizations can limit their introduction to online cheats and spotlight on developing their endeavors.


With the assistance of the correct payments solution, little dealers can get to innovation that apropos diminishes the fraudulent transactions on their foundation, while expanding the achievement pace of genuine transactions. This factor likewise expands the experience of veritable purchasers, subsequently motivating their returns to on the platform.

Here's a portion of the huge highlights private companies should search for in their payment gateway:
Constant checking of transactions:
Advanced payment gateway ought to have the option to screen exchanges continuously, conveying a calculation to find any markers of a false movement and keeping it from occurring.
Better Success Ratios. Wise payment gateways improve the proportion of exchanges that prevail by guaranteeing that real exchanges are plainly distinguished and allowed to continue, though fake exchanges are dismissed.

Incorporated fraud management: Payment gateways must meet the most elevated level of PCI DSS level of consistence. Past this, however, your payment portal ought to incorporate its own antifraud components with card plot insurances, for example, CVV2/CSC, AVC and 3D Secure, giving your clients additional layers of security.

In-house software: Ultimately, guarantee that your payment gateways anti-fraud software is built and operated in-house. This will bring you certainty that the product can be precisely and quickly refreshed as various dangers emerge, and changed in accordance with address the issues of your online business as it develops and grows.

Foloosi Technology is one of the best payment gateways in UAE that brings to you easy to use options that are designed to be accessible, convenient and simple backed by reputed partners to provide security and a credible and reliable customer experience.
Our payment gateway comes with anti- fraud software and hence we provide secured and reliable customer experience

For Android:
For iOS :

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Accept payments for your business using Foloosi’s QR code

QR code
A QR code (quick response code) is a type of 2D bar code that is used to provide easy access to information through a smart phone. In this process, known as mobile tagging, the smart phone's owner points the phone at a QR code and opens a barcode reader app which works in conjunction with the phone's camera.

Where QR Code can be used?
QR codes can be used for anything and everything. They are also beneficial for both customers and businesses.
· Events/ Airline tickets
· Mobile coupons/Loyalty cards
· Mobile Payments etc

Static QR code
Static QR Codes are QR Codes that can't be changed once they are made. These are, for instance, email and content Codes, which don't accumulate any tracking measurements.

What is a Dynamic QR Code?
While Static QR Codes contain fixed data, Dynamic QR Codes have the likelihood to be altered after fruition. Both the kind of QR Code and the substance are editable the same number of times varying. They utilize a short URL to send clients to the point of arrival of your craving just as screen measurements for data, for example, the number of scans, location and operating system used.
Depending on your needs, both QR Codes are useful

While Static QR Codes are not ideal for the business or marketing world due to their lack of adaptability, they do function well for personal use because you are likely not tracking your campaign metrics. Nonetheless, if you do use a Dynamic QR Code for personal use, at least the information is still always editable.

Advantages of using Dynamic QR codes

Monitor important statistics
The most compelling motivation why you would choose a Dynamic QR Code is that you can gather all the tracking data from it. These incorporate measurements, for example, when and where it was scanned, just as the working arrangement of the gadget utilized. These are the key components to getting whether your promoting effort has been effective. This allows you to make necessary adjustments to improve the campaign based on this data.

Add or change information easily
A second critical advantage of Dynamic QR Codes is that you can alter then after they've been printed. Let's assume you add another point of arrival to your site, you've chosen to change from composed substance to a video or you need to add additional data to the QR Code. The entirety of this is variable anytime and the same number of times as you need, which sets aside both time and cash.

Possibility to fix mistakes
Possibly the connection you've added to the first QR Code was an inappropriate one? Or then again an inappropriate PDF was given for download? Dynamic QR Codes eradicate any kind of stress with regards to mistakes, indeed because of their editability. Rather than making a totally new Code, basically alter the Code to fix the slip-up and issue solved!

Foloosi and QR code

Merchants can accept payments using QR code of Foloosi app; allow your customers to make payment in an easy way. Customers can make payment just by scanning the QR code

ü Open the Foloosi app
ü Tap on ‘scan’ to open the QR code scanner
ü Hold your phone over a QR code so that it is clearly visible within the scan area.
ü It’s done!

Foloosi app supports both static and dynamic QR codes where as a dynamic QR code provides the ability to change the destination address to which the QR code redirects to. With dynamic QR codes, reprinting of the code is not necessary after changing the address.

Unlike dynamic QR codes, static QR codes point out to fixed address. A static QR code does not allow changing the destination that the QR code resolves to when scanned.

Special feature of Foloosi ‘s QR code:

Static/ Dynamic
In static QR code customer has to enter the amount to be paid to the merchants after scanning the QR code whereas in dynamic QR code of Foloosi the amount to be paid will be entered automatically and the customers are taken directly to the payment page.

Also, we have single and multiple QR code options. Using single  payment option QR code can be used only once that is for one customer whereas multiple payment option helps to send a single QR code to N number of customers.

Make use of Foloosi’s QR code for your business to accept payments and take your business to greater heights

Tuesday 18 February 2020

How a payment gateway keeps information secure?

A payment gateway guarantees the security of the data you put in. Here is a rundown of things that a Payment Gateway does to protect your information:
First things first, the entire transaction is carried out through an HTTPS web address. This is not the same as the HTTP as the S in the HTTPS represents Secure. The transaction happens through this equivalent passage.

Because of the hash function, the system often uses a signed request from the merchant to validate the request of the transaction. This signed request is a secret word, which only the merchant and the payment gateway know

To secure the payment page result of the process, the IP of the requesting server is verified to detect any malicious activity

Virtual Payer Authentication (VPA) is something that the acquirers, issuers and the payment gateways are backing to secure the process even more. VPA, implemented under the 3-D secure protocol, adds an additional layer of security and helps the online buyers and sellers to authenticate each other easily

Benefits of using a payment gateway
Utilizing a payment gateway is not just for transferring money, but it has other advantages as well. A Payment Gateway can allow a merchant to give the user get a better experience.
PCI-DSS Wallet – The PCI-DSS compliance makes it sufficiently secure to permit the client to store their own information in the portal or gateway for recurring payments. For example, if you are a frequent customer of a shopping site, then you can save your bank or card details on their site or app, and the gateway will keep it secure from any cybersecurity threat

White-Label Wallet – Some payment gateways allow you to make digital transactions through mobile wallet apps. This is the current trend, as it enables the user to make all his transactions by just sitting at one place. You can bring in your money from the account balance to the mobile wallet app and then further use it to make payments on other apps or websites

Fraud Screening Tools – Many payment gateways provide you with fraud screening tools to reduce the risk of losing information. These tools include the Card Code Value (CCV), Card Verification Value (CVV) or even the Address Verification Service (AVS). These tools ensure that there is no fraudulent transaction

A payment gateway focuses on creating a secure pathway between a customer and the merchant to facilitate payments securely. It involves the authentication of both parties from the banks involved.
The most significant advantage of a payment gateway is the fact that it allows millions of users to use it at the same time, making it possible for you to purchase or sell goods and services whenever you want.

Empower your business with Foloosi Payment Gateway!
With the simplest integration, completely online onboarding, feature filled checkout and classy performance; quickly go live with Foloosi (UAE online payment solution) and experience the future of payments.